Frostbite Series – 2014-2015 3rd Saturday November – March
1 ORGANISING AUTHORITY The Organising Authority (OA) will be the Oak Hollow Sailing Club.
2 VENUE The venue will be Oak Hollow Lake, High Point NC.
3 PROGRAM (a) Racing days from 3rd Saturdays November thru March. (b) Time of the first race each day will be 1:00 pm. (c) 3 races will be attempted at each regatta. (d) A race may be abandoned if any of the following occurs. (1) Sustained winds of 17 mph or greater. (2) Water temp below 32 degree F or visible ice in lake. (3) Air temp below 32 degree F. 3.2 Unless excused by the OA, attendance at the following is mandatory: (a) Initial briefing for skippers at 12:00 noon. 3.3 One race constitutes a regatta.
4 SKIPPERS ELIGIBILITY (a) The registered skipper shall helm the boat at all times while racing, except in an emergency.
5 ENTRIES 5.1 Entering (a) Members of OHSC and guests welcomed. (b) The skipper shall be entered on completion of registration. 5.2 Entry Fee None
6 INSURANCE All competitors are required to sign a waiver and have adequate third party insurance.
7 RULES 7.1 (a) The event will be governed by the rules as defined in the RRS, including Appendix C. (b) The rules for the handling of boats will apply. Class rules will not apply.
8 COURSE (a) The course shall be windward/leeward with an upwind finish.
9 PRIZE (a) The principal prize for first place will be mutual admiration and bragging rights.
10 DISCLAMER (a) All those taking any part in the event do so at their own risk. The OA, its associates and appointees accept no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury or inconvenience incurred, howsoever caused. (b) Cold weather gear is recommended for all participants.