First a thank you, again, to the entire Parks and Recreation department.
OHSC members are allowed FREE storage of their boats at
the North Ramp. What we call the “Sailing Point”.
We received this note from Brad this week:
It occurred to me that in less than 2 weeks the 4th of July will be upon us and I just wanted to give you a heads up to share with the others that have boats stored over at The North Ramp. I want to preface this with the fact that this is just an FYI and not a request to move the boats. However, that being said, we open that area up for parking during the fireworks and that parking lot gets a lot of traffic. I just wanted to make you aware of this fact in case anyone was concerned and or wanted to move their boat out before. If my boat was there, I would want to know ahead of time. AGAIN, I am not asking you to move them, but I did want to make you aware. Happy 4th in case I don’t see you before.
The North parking area is generally a calm and quiet place.
The evening of the Fourth, it will not be so calm or quiet.
Paul Walter will be bringing his boat and the club boat home , as will Jerry Eldred be bringing his boat home for the weekend.
We suggest you do the same.