Our May regatta was this past Saturday, May 21, with about 36 members present along with several guests. We had very warm, sunny weather with winds around 3-5kts with averages much less than that. Thirteen boats participated in the regatta.
Race committee was handled by PRO Alan Taylor with a crew of newbies including Teri DeCurtis, Dean and Debra Mattern and Bruce Leigh. Considering the challenging, light wind and constant wind shifts, they did a tremendous job running two races in those conditions. Also volunteering were Rosalie Austin and Sally Leigh, who handled the apparel sales. Thank you ladies and gentlemen for volunteering! Congratulations to Paul Walter and Michael Nordahl who were the two individual race winners. Three of the five “Women on the Water” sailors participated. One of these women, Annette Grefe, took her hand at the helm and placed second in both races!