OHSC held its June 2017 Regatta on Saturday, June 17, 2017. We had an excellent turnout with 36 members present, one guest, Greg Goette, and new member Nestor Ochoa, who crewed with Paul Walter. There were a total of 16 boats registered to participate, 12 mono-hulls, and 4 multi-hulls, and all 16 began the first of three races that were held.
Thank you to our Race Committee, Andy Squint, PRO, Bruce and Sally Leigh, Glenda Wilkinson, Bill Inmon, and Gary Gooden. The wind shifts just prior to the first race (90 degrees) presented course layout challenges, which continued into the second and third races, so RC stayed busy keeping up with course changes and weather monitoring, as well as all other normal RC tasks. We were fortunate that the weather cooperated (no thunder and lightning) and except for a lull during the last part of race 1, the wind was decent and allowed us to complete three races (and a fourth unofficial “bonus” race for those who stayed out for it). Thanks to Sue Cole for coffee and to anyone else who brought items for morning snacks.
Congratulations to Dan Shuee and Merritt Wayt, for their 3 First Place finishes in the mono-hull division, and to Roger Bates and Meghan Proctor for their 3 First Place finishes in the multi-hull division. Also congratulations to Annette Grefe and Phil Andrews for 2 Second Places and to Carl and Lois Simmons for their 2 Third Place finishes in the mono-hull division.
Our next regatta is Saturday, July 15, and is our Annual Blue Chips Charity Regatta, during which we collect donations for cancer research in honor and memory of our past member and officer, Nancy Valego, who passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2013. Please put this on your calendars. It is an important event which we celebrate with a cookout following our races.